CDMO Live Spotlight

How To Sell Science: Advice for Better CDMO Sales and Marketing with Dr Jeff Kiplinger

The biggest challenge for scientists to understand is that it’s not just your expertise that people are buying, it’s your ability to connect with their problem. 

Dr. Jeff Kiplinger, a former scientific leader at Pfizer, founded, scaled and sold Averica Discovery Services, a Boston-based CRO specializing in early-stage contract research and analytical development.

Now the best-selling author of “Expert to Entrepreneur”, his company Selling Science advises contract service providers on how to improve their science selling techniques.

Ahead of his lighting talk at CDMO Live, we sat down with Jeff to discuss how CROs and CDMOs can position themselves for success in today’s crowded marketplace, and shares advice for outsourcing leaders in selecting the right partner for their business.

Clear market positioning

Jeff believes that effective market positioning is about understanding your customer’s needs and communicating how your services can meet those needs. It’s not just about listing your services, but about showing potential customers how you can solve their problems.

“At trade shows, there’s no way for a floor walker to read through a long laundry list to understand how a service might be valuable to me.” says Jeff.

Jeff advises clearly focusing on who you provide the greatest value for and talking about what you do for the benefit of your customers

Resist the temptation to be all things to all people

Jeff learned early on that trying to take all-comers can be detrimental to business. 

“I would recommend some prospects work with somebody else that has a greater degree of expertise. I learned over time that eventually my customers were going to find those places where the expertise was greater anyway.”

This approach not only helped Jeff maintain a high standard of service but also allowed him to build trust with his clients. He found that being honest about his company’s capabilities and limitations led to more successful partnerships in the long run.

Find a size-appropriate partner

Jeff explains that that a small virtual Biotechs will have completely different needs to those of a big pharma company, so you should choose an appropriate partner to your size.

“Large sponsors might benefit from integrated, large, potentially global CDMOs, but this requires more resources in managing the relationship. Small virtual companies, on the other hand, are likely looking for specific capabilities and managing the program itself across its timeline.”

Jeff highlights the importance of understanding your own needs as a company and choosing a CRO or CDMO that can best meet those needs. It’s not just about size or global reach, but about finding a partner that can provide the specific capabilities you need.

Become a capability provider

When running Averica, Jeff had relationships with sponsors who referred to them as a ‘capability provider’ – not just a transactional service provider. He found the best relationships were where customers would repeat because they developed trust and understood the timelines. 

“That left us in the very comfortable position of being able to occasionally we could call up and say, ‘Hey, listen, we saw something interesting with your compound or project. Would you like us to investigate this further?’”

By focusing on their specific capabilities and delivering high-quality service, Averica was able to build long-term relationships with their clients.

Don’t miss Jeff Kiplinger’s talk The Science of CDMO Sales – how to turn scientific expertise into revenue, at CDMO Live. Register here for your free ticket

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