CBL Patras

CBL Patras
CBL Patras


CBL Patras Chemical & Biopharmaceutical Laboratories is a world leader in peptide innovation, setting the grounds for quality, vertical integration, and automation. As a supplier to the pharmaceutical industry, CBL Patras offers a range of services focused on Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Contract Manufacturing (CMO/CDMO), and excels in regulatory support to enhance product development and compliance in a highly regulated environment.

Services include:
- Regulatory Services
- Protein and Peptide
- Contract Development and Manufacturing

CBL Patras is committed to delivering high-quality solutions that meet the dynamic needs of the pharmaceutical sector. For more information, please visit cblpatras.gr.

United States FDA, Canada Health Canada, ISO 14001


Contact Information

, Industrial Area of Patras
Zip/Post Code

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