LARUS Pharma ITALY is a prominent supplier to the pharmaceutical industry, specialising in the design, formulation, and manufacturing of products based on essential oils and active vegetable extracts aimed at health and well-being.
LARUS Pharma ITALY is a prominent supplier to the pharmaceutical industry, specialising in the design, formulation, and manufacturing of products based on essential oils and active vegetable extracts aimed at health and well-being. Founded in 1994 in Milano, LARUS Pharma has pioneered the integration of microencapsulated essential oils into innovative adhesive patches, creating a patented delivery system that has gained popularity worldwide. Additionally, the company has established a dedicated division for the development and contract manufacturing of dermo-cosmetic products, providing comprehensive support for various project stages.
Services include:
- Biologics
- Finished Dosage Forms
- Development and Contract Manufacturing of Dermo-Cosmetic Products
As a leader in the pharmaceutical sector, LARUS Pharma ITALY exemplifies innovation and expertise in its offerings. For more information, please visit