LAST Technology SrL
LAST Technology SrL is a leading Italian company located near Venice, specialising in cleaning, disinfecting, decontaminating, sterilising, and drying processes for pharmaceutical productions and laboratories.
LAST Technology SrL is a leading Italian company located near Venice, specialising in cleaning, disinfecting, decontaminating, sterilising, and drying processes for pharmaceutical productions and laboratories. With a strong commitment to enhancing the well-being and quality of people’s lives, LAST Technology SrL is dedicated to developing custom-made solutions that feature modular designs made in Italy, alongside significant energy savings. This dedication has established the company as a worldwide leader in crafting innovative and high-tech process equipment.
Services include:
- Machinery & Equipment
- Cleaning Solutions
- Disinfection Systems
- Decontamination Equipment
- Sterilisation Processes
- Drying Technologies
LAST Technology SrL continues to advance in the pharmaceutical industry, providing cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of its clients. For more information, please visit