PHSE is a Distributor/Import Export company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. TIME AND TEMPERATURE SENSITIVE SUPPLY CHAIN SOLUTIONS. PHSE is today a leader in the…


OQEMA is a Distributor/Import Export company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. OQEMA – one of the leading chem�ic�al dis�tri�bu�tion companies for com�mo�di�ties and spe�cial�i�ties in…

Ruland Chemistry

Ruland Chemistry is a Distributor/Import Export company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. Incorparated in 1998 Jointstock Company Staff education background : 90% Bachelor degree or…

Qosina Corp

Qosina Corp is a Distributor/Import Export company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. Qosina stands as a prominent global provider of over 5,000 OEM single-use components,…


SHEDIR PHARMA GROUP is a Distributor/Import Export company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. Shedir Pharma is an Italian Pharmaceutical Company, highly specialized in projecting, developing…


Sarong is a Distributor/Import Export company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. Sarong is established in 1972 with the aim to introduce the first fully automatic…


SAS HEPARTEX is a Distributor/Import Export company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. Hepartex is an independent marketing and sales organization with more than 40 years…

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