TIME SURPLUS is a company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. TIME SURPLUS LIMITED (TSL) is devoted consistently to develop environmental friendly products and green chemistry…

Toray Industries

Toray Industries is a company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. Toray is the manufacturer of fine chemicals with the unique technologies such as isomerization/adsorption separation…

Vasudha Pharma Chem

Vasudha Pharma Chem is a company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. The company is into manufacturing API’s, Intermediates and semi-finished formulations. The manufacturing facilities have…

Vio Chemicals

Vio Chemicals is a company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. VIO Chemicals is a science and technological innovation driven chemical company that creates complete solutions…

Viwit Pharmaceuticals

Viwit Pharmaceuticals is a company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. Viwit Pharmaceuticals Limited (Viwit), founded in 2006, is a fast-growing research-based pharmaceutical healthcare company dedicated…

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