DK Pharmachem

DK Pharmachem is a Pharmaceutical company company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. DK Pharmachem is a renowned manufacturer of APIs, Intermediates, & Specialty Chemicals founded…

Keri Pharma

Keri Pharma is a OTC, Pharmaceutical company company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. Keri Pharma is a Hungarian pharmaceutical company, which developed a 1000 mg…

Topharman Shanghai

Topharman Shanghai is a Manufacturer/Innovator, Contract Service company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. With R&D base in Shanghai and manufacturing site in Shandong, Topharman’s regular…


VALSYNTHESE SA is a Manufacturer/Innovator, Contract Service company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. Valsynthese is specialised in safely handling hazardous chemical reactions such as Nitration,…


Mastermelt is a Contract Service company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. Mastermelt has expertise in the recovery of precious metals from complex waste streams from…

Midas Pharma

Midas Pharma is a Contract Service company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. One Partner, Many Opportunities Midas Pharma is a mid-sized pharmaceutical company, founded 1988…

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