
Sandoz is a CMO/CDMO, Generics/Biosimilars Manufacturer company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. Sandoz B2B is a global business unit providing third-party pharmaceutical companies with access…

PolyCrystalLine CDMO

PolyCrystalLine CDMO is a Contract Service company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. Since 2005 PolyCrystalline provides reliable solutions to optimise and control the crystallisation process…

Almac Group

Almac Group is an established CDMO providing integrated drug development services to the Biopharma industry. Addressing the pressure to bring clinical candidates through the pipeline…


Biosynth is a Distributor/Import Export, Manufacturer/Innovator, Academic/Research, Contract Service, CMO/CDMO, Contract Research Organisation (CRO) company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. Securing Life Sciences Supply Chains…


BioVectra is a Manufacturer/Innovator company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. BIOVECTRA is a global biotech and pharmaceutical CDMO that specializes in clinical-to-commercial scale production capabilities…


ChemCon is a Manufacturer/Innovator company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. ChemCon is a CDMO for APIs and fine chemicals specialized in transferring R&D projects into…

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