
DuDeChem is a CMO/CDMO company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

We supply you with greener manufactured starting materials, intermediates, and APIs, manufactured in Europe, usually with cost-savings of 10%. The founding father of Green Chemistry, Prof. Warner who is a member of the scientific advisory boards of APPLE, QIAGEN, DOW, NIKE, and LEVI’s recently joined our development team. Why? Because we are known for our manufacturing competencies in scaling Green Chemistry solutions into the market. Our vision is to transform the current pharma-chemical industry into an environmentally benign sector.

Company type


Products and services

Custom Manufacturing, Intermediates, Fine and Specialty Chemicals, Contract Services – Analytical & Lab Services


Europe – EU countries, Europe – non EU (e.g. UK, Russia, ex-CIS countries)

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DuDeChem, Koepenicker Str. 325, Haus 11-12, Berlin, Germany, 12555

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