GP Pharm

GP Pharm is a Manufacturer/Innovator, Contract Service, Licensee company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

GP Pharm is a privately owned pharmaceutical company based in Barcelona (Spain). GP Pharm is specialized in the development, manufacture and marketing of innovative and generic injectable products. Our products are based on our in-home developed drug delivery systems using technological platforms based on Microspheres and Liposomes and/or peptides API’s. The business activities of the company are divided into B2B out-licensing of our portfolio and CDMO services. GP Pharm has direct market presence in Spain.

Company type

Manufacturer/Innovator, Contract Service, Licensee

Products and services

Pharmaceutical Products / ATC coding, Finished Dosage Forms, Contract Services – Analytical & Lab Services


Oceania, North America (USA, Canada), Middle East Region (e.g. UAE), East Asia (e.g. China, Japan, Korea), Europe – EU countries, Europe – non EU (e.g. UK, Russia, ex-CIS countries), South America (e.g. Brazil, Colombia)

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GP Pharm, Pol. Ind. Els Vinyets – Els Fogars II, Sant Quinti de Mediona, Spain, 8777

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