CDMO Profile

Biotimize Biotechnology as a Service

Biotimize Biotechnology as a Service Contract Manufacturing & Development (CDMO) Profile

Biotimize is a Brazilian CDMO that provides personalized biotechnology and bioprocess engineering-based services for preclinical and clinical studies to global biopharmaceutical companies.

With the mission of transforming lives through biotechnology, enabling ideas, treatments, and dreams to become reality, Biotimize is one of the main driver of new regulatory models that value innovation.

Biotimize works to develop new approaches to create a scenario where it is possible to democratize access to science and healing and create a positive impact on people.

Our services (Mammalian cells, Bacteria, Yeast, Virus)

– Cell Line Development

– Process Development and Optimization

– Bioproduction

– Analytics Development

– Technical- Economic Analysis

– PoC material production

– Preclinical material production

– Clinical material production

CDMO Services:
Biologics Liquids; Sterile Vials Analytical Development; Cell Line Development; Process Development Antibodies; Fusion Proteins; Recombinants + other Proteins; Protein Vaccines; Live Viral Vaccines; Viral Vector Vaccines; Plasmid DNA

Year Founded: 2016

Head Office: , Brazil

Number of Facilities: 1-2

Facility locations: South America

Website: Visit the Biotimize Biotechnology as a Service website

Linkedin: Connect on Linkedin

Current Capacity: Biotimize is currently focused on developing biological processes under GLP certification. Our 2 independent GMP facilities are under construction and will come into operation in 2026. Both facilities will reach 500L in SUB and will be dedicated to manufacturing monoclonal antibodies and virotherapy.

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