How to get started with PharmaSource

Welcome to the PhamaSource community, a private members’ community for procurement and sourcing professionals working in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology industry.

Here is a quick guide to how to use PharmaSource. The platform is simple to use, but we recommend following the steps below to make sure you get the most from it.

We want your feedback! 

We are building this community for you, so if you have any have any ideas to contribute or would like to make suggestions, please let us know!  Submit feedback

1.  Register as a Member 

The PharmaSource community has been designed as a safe, pitch-free space where you can connect and share best practices with peers facing similar challenges to you. 

For this reason, membership has been strictly restricted to those on the ‘buy side’, and you need to be approved before you can access our community groups, take part in events and interact with members.  


2. Activate your profile

It will usually take less than 24 Hours before your access is approved. 

You will be notified by an email with a link to Activate your profile. Click on the link and you will be asked to set a password.

Once you have set a password, you will then be able to sign in to the platform.


3. Update your profile

When you first sign in to the platform you will see your personal dashboard.

The first thing you will see is how complete your profile is.

You can update your profile by clicking into your profile menu (top right). 

  • Profile Photo (most importantly!) and Cover Photo
  • Job Title
  • Company name
  • Product Categories you are responsible for


4. Connect with Members

Head to the membership directory to find and interact with other community members.   

Note: This section of the site is only available to approved, logged-in community members to protect your privacy.

Use the filter on the right to find members with similar category interests.

You can:

  • Connect with other members
  • Message members through the platform
  • Find mentors/mentees read our mentoring guide here

5. Sign up for an event

We are constantly running events for the community.   You can see all upcoming events here.

There are two main types of events you can register for:

  • Online Events. These are expert-led workshops covering important topics such as supplier relationships, securing your supply chain, and how to use AI in procurement.
  • In-Person Events – COMING SOON

Once you sign-up for an evet you will receive an email confirming your place. We will send reminders closer to the time, but please make a note of the time in your calendar.

Feel free to share these events with other team members who would also benefit from free training.

6. Make the most of it!

Finally, this community has been created for you, and the more you put in, the more value you will get out.

So please do engage with the content and other members to make the most of it.


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