Aluflexpack Group
The Aluflexpack Group is a reliable supplier of leading global pharmaceutical companies, providing outstanding service and excellent products in converted aluminium foils and flexible packaging.
The Aluflexpack Group is a reliable supplier of leading global pharmaceutical companies, providing outstanding service and excellent products in converted aluminium foils and flexible packaging. With over 40 years of experience, the group has developed and manufactured a wide range of packaging solutions tailored specifically for the pharmaceutical industry, including blister foils, child-resistant foils, and various forms of containers and pouches.
Services include:
- Packaging Equipment
- Blister Foils
- Child Resistant Foils
- Laminates
- Containers
- Flowpacks
- Lids
- Pouches
- Pharma Cap Foils
- Sachets
- Stickpacks
- Strips
- Suppositories
As a leading provider of premium flexible packaging and barrier solutions, Aluflexpack Group continues to excel in delivering top-quality products and services to its clients. For more information, please visit