Desi Kimya A.Ş

Desi Kimya A.Ş
Desi Kimya A.Ş


Desi Kimya ve Maden Sanayi A.Ş. is a pioneering Turkish company specialising in corrosion control and shipment safety. As the first and only domestic capital firm in its field in Turkey, it leverages its extensive knowledge, technological infrastructure, and experience to maintain a leading position in the industry. With a dynamic outlook towards the future, Desi Kimya actively monitors technological advancements and innovations, prioritising quality and service. The company collaborates closely with its clients as a solution partner to ensure ongoing co-operation and efficient service delivery.

Services include:
- Corrosion control solutions
- Shipment safety services
- Research and development in advanced coating technologies
- Training programs through DESİ Korozyon Akademisi

Through its commitment to technological progress and customer satisfaction, Desi Kimya A.Ş. aspires to be a pioneering and respected leader in the global market. For more information, please visit

Contact Information

14 Plaj Yolu SokakIstanbul, İstanbul, 55473, Turkey
Zip/Post Code

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