Asai Vishwa Speciality Chemicals

Asai Vishwa Speciality Chemicals is a company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

Based out of Navi Mumbai, India, aSai Vishwa is one of the leading companies involved in development and manufacturing of intermediates/ KSMs / advanced Intermediates of anti-glaucoma, anti-cancer, anti-hypertension, etc. therapeutic categories. Our customers include leading Tier 1 companies including globally reputed API Manufacturers and formulation Companies, CMRO Organizations. We are recognized as a reliable and ethical company which thrives on technological innovation and cGMP complied quality manufacturing, backed by a proficient team of technocrats, equipped with strong regulatory documentation with dedication to safety, quality and environment at its core.

Company type

Products and services

Intermediates, Fine and Specialty Chemicals



Asai Vishwa Speciality Chemicals, #94, Vindhya Commercial, Navi Mumbai,, India, 400614

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