Cangzhou Weikang Food & Pharmaceutical Package

Cangzhou Weikang Food & Pharmaceutical Package is a company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

1. factory established since 19862. have ISO FDA CE certificate. 3. response client problem and questions at first time 4. many times inspection during production and during packaging 5. offer label/printing service 6. free samples to test products quality before place order 7. provide considerate after-sale sevice 8. Mainly produce pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic packages, like medicine bottle, spray bottle, jars and so on. Looking forward to established long-term business relationship with you.

Company type

Products and services

Pharmaceutical Packaging

Geographies they support


Cangzhou Weikang Food & Pharmaceutical Package, 1302 Yihe Building, Cangzhou, Hebei, China,

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