DROMEX INTERNATIONAL is a company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

With more than 30 years of experience and a strong technical foundation, we supply products and services to customers in Latin America, Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Our business areas include: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Business Development, Pharmaceutical Product Dossiers, Product Development Services, Business and Technical Consulting and Contract Manufacturing Operations. With DROMEX INTERNATIONAL as your partner, you can trust to access a single source solution with expertise that fits your unique needs for both pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals.

Company type

Products and services

Biopharmaceuticals, Custom Manufacturing, APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients), Contract Services – Analytical & Lab Services


Africa, Middle East Region (e.g. UAE), Central America (e.g. Mexico), East Asia (e.g. China, Japan, Korea), South America (e.g. Brazil, Colombia), South Asia (e.g. India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), South East Asia (e.g. Thailand, Philippines, Singapore)


DROMEX INTERNATIONAL, Agricultura 16-18, 2nd floor, office 2.3., El Masnou – Barcelona, Spain, 8320

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