GAMMATOM is a Contract Service company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

GAMMATOM(R) is a gamma irradiation contract manufacturer. The service is mainly applied for sterilization or the microbic count reduction of API’s and finished pharmaceuticals products, but also on packaging for pharmaceuticals. GAMMATOM(R) stands out in the field of irradiation for its ability to apply sterilisation technology using gamma rays to very fine layers of material, reducing over dosages, with the result that chemical physical alterations in the products themselves are kept under control.

Company type

Contract Service

Products and services

Pharmaceutical Machinery & Technology


North America (USA, Canada), Central America (e.g. Mexico), East Asia (e.g. China, Japan, Korea), Europe – EU countries, South Asia (e.g. India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka)

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GAMMATOM, Via XXIV Maggio, 14, Guanzate, Italy, 22070

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