Helvetic BioPharma

Helvetic BioPharma is a Manufacturer/Innovator, Academic/Research, Wholesale/Retail company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

Helvetic BioPharma, an innovative Swiss biopharmaceutical company, specializes in manufacturing of biosimilar recombinant proteins, synthetic peptides and monoclonal antibodies for therapeutic use. The therapeutic areas in which Helvetic BioPharma is involved are, among others, oncology, hematology, immuno-modulation and auto-immune diseases. The company, certified by SwissMedic, provides services as CMO thanks to two independent and segregated production lines, dedicated to the manufacture of recombinant therapeutic proteins from mammalian and bacterial cell sources.

Company type

Manufacturer/Innovator, Academic/Research, Wholesale/Retail

Products and services



Africa, Middle East Region (e.g. UAE), Europe – EU countries, South America (e.g. Brazil, Colombia)


Helvetic BioPharma, 28 Via Cantonle, Mezzovico, Switzerland, 6805

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