Institut AllergoSan Pharmazeutische Produkte Forschungs- und Vertriebs is a Pharmaceutical company company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.
Institut AllergoSan with its headquarters in Graz, Austria was founded in January 1991. For 25 years now it has been involved in the research and development of products made of natural substances such as probiotic bacteria, plant extracts and minerals. Thanks to our intensive cooperation with internationally recognised researchers from the fields of medicine, biology, pharmacology and biochemistry, we have succeeded in building up a well-known centre of research and excellence for natural medicine.
Company type
Pharmaceutical company
Products and services
Natural Extracts, APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)
North America (USA, Canada), East Asia (e.g. China, Japan, Korea), Europe – EU countries, Europe – non EU (e.g. UK, Russia, ex-CIS countries)
Useful Links
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Institut AllergoSan Pharmazeutische Produkte Forschungs- und Vertriebs, Pharmazeutische Produkte Forschungs- und Vertriebs, GmbH, Graz, Austria, 8055