Life Science Knowledge Hub & Chemicals K

Life Science Knowledge Hub & Chemicals K is a company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

Founded in 2017, our digital platform provides rapid publication of news, feature articles, and industry event previews and reviews. As with all good innovations that are typical of our industry, LSKH was borne of seeing a way to do it better . Our digital model allows rapid publication on-line, with weekly emails to tens of thousands of colleagues working in speciality chemicals across the globe. Top news and articles are included in special printed issues*, which are distributed at key shows that we know are important to the industry’s decision makers.

Company type

Products and services

Biopharmaceuticals, APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)

Geographies they support


Life Science Knowledge Hub & Chemicals K, 34 Crofton Rd Weybridge, London, , United Kingdom, KT12 3DB

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