PGP Glass

PGP Glass is a company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

Piramal Glass is a global leader in delivering world-class glass packaging solutions for the Pharmaceutical (Type I/II/III amber and flint vials) , Food & Beverage and Perfumery businesses. We offer an entire gamut of flacconage solutions under one umbrella, making us a one-stop-shop for all the needs of our customers.

Company type

Products and services

Pharmaceutical Packaging


Oceania, North America (USA, Canada), Africa, Middle East Region (e.g. UAE), Central America (e.g. Mexico), East Asia (e.g. China, Japan, Korea), Europe – EU countries, Europe – non EU (e.g. UK, Russia, ex-CIS countries), South America (e.g. Brazil, Colombia), South Asia (e.g. India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), South East Asia (e.g. Thailand, Philippines, Singapore)


PGP Glass, 6th Floor, Piramal Tower Annexe,, Peninsula Corporate Park, Mumbai, India, 400013

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