Pharm & Med, Sabiedriba ar ierobeotu at

Pharm & Med, Sabiedriba ar ierobeotu at is a Manufacturer/Innovator, Licensee company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

We made LYL love your life(R) brand, as we believe everyone can live healthier and have a fuller life. We are passioned to create solutions, which promotes it. By developing results with increased value, clinically and scientifically proven efficiency. We manufacturing products, that creates followers. We create trendsetting products, based on consumer demand and deep market tendency research. To prove product efficiency, results are based with clinically studies. We choose cooperat…

Company type

Manufacturer/Innovator, Licensee

Products and services

Finished Dosage Forms

Geographies they support

Europe – EU countries, Europe – non EU (e.g. UK, Russia, ex-CIS countries), South Asia (e.g. India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), South East Asia (e.g. Thailand, Philippines, Singapore)


Pharm & Med, Sabiedriba ar ierobeotu at, 120Z Dzelzavas str., Riga, , Latvia, LV 1021

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