PHARMEXTRACTA is a Distributor/Import Export, Wholesale/Retail company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.
PharmExtracta S.p.A has been operating in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical market for more than 30 years, bringing innovation and effective therapeutic solutions. The ultimate advanced knowledge of our R&D in Phytotherapy, Probiotics and Nutraceuticals together with a constant communication with Health Care Professionals allows us to develop the most innovative solutions available on the market, to satisfy both patients and clinicians needs.
Company type
Distributor/Import Export, Wholesale/Retail
Products and services
Biopharmaceuticals, Natural Extracts, APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)
Middle East Region (e.g. UAE), East Asia (e.g. China, Japan, Korea), Europe – EU countries
Useful Links
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PHARMEXTRACTA, Via Natta, 28, Pontenure,, Pontenure, Italy, 29010