Safrroys Hard Capsule Services

Safrroys Hard Capsule Services is a company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

Safrroys is the undisputed global leader for all empty hard capsule manufacturing needs. Spanning more than three decades in the industry, we design and manufacture the equipment and technology required to produce empty hard capsules. Our products include: Empty hard capsule manufacturing machines Auxiliary equipment Turnkey solutions We have an installed base of over 125 machines across the globe and can easily partner with you for your hard capsule manufacturing needs no matter where you are. Our latest machines have an unmatched output capacity and produce high-quality precision capsules at low operational costs, enabling you to meet the stringent demands of the growing pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries. Our highly skilled technical team can provide automation and control services for your business such as data recording, power consumption management and report generation so that the you can have a complete and holistic view of all aspects of the production plant. Driven by our key values of Quality and Trust, we are committed to providing long-term, high-value service to our customers

Company type

Products and services

Finished Dosage Forms, Pharmaceutical Packaging, Pharmaceutical Machinery & Technology



Safrroys Hard Capsule Services, 21/2A, Gora Chand Road,, Kolkata, India, 700014

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