Sen-Pa Plastic Manufacturing

Sen-Pa Plastic Manufacturing is a Packaging supplier/manufacturer company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

We produce plastic packaging and plastic medical tools for pharmaceutical companies. Our production journey began in 1996 with just six people in a 150-m� facility manufacturing measuring spoons for a leading pharmaceutical company in Turkey. We have proudly served our industry for 27 years. This has equipped us to develop products tailored to meet the demands and needs of our customers by predicting future trends and customer dynamics. We always remain responsive to the packaging needs of the medical industry through our design, development and production solutions without compromising on our guiding principle of creating top quality and innovative products. We adhere to all applicable national and international standards in our products and acquire all necessary quality certificates and standards for our production facilities. Our Class D Clean Room, commissioned in 2020, is the latest and most tangible evidence of our commitment to satisfying the industry standards. As of today, we are working around the clock to produce approximately 500+ million products per year with 50+ employees. In the exciting future that lays ahead of us, we will implement new projects that focus on technology and innovation without making compromises from our long-standing product quality and high standards.

Company type

Packaging supplier/manufacturer

Products and services

Pharmaceutical Packaging


North America (USA, Canada), Africa, Middle East Region (e.g. UAE), Central America (e.g. Mexico), Europe – EU countries, Europe – non EU (e.g. UK, Russia, ex-CIS countries), South America (e.g. Brazil, Colombia)

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Sen-Pa Plastic Manufacturing, Yesilce Mah. Celik Cad. Rehber Is Merkezi, ISTANBUL, Tuerkiye, 34774

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