U.G.A. Nutraceuticals

U.G.A. Nutraceuticals is a Manufacturer/Innovator, Licensee company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

Founded in 2005 with a mission to bring great tasting omega-3 formulations to the Italian market, U.G.A. Nutraceuticals is now recognised as an innovator in omega-3 segment at an international level. We have recently added in our offer unique probiotics and iron formulations, that satisfy specific needs unmet by more traditional formulas. Our products target specific needs in areas of cardiology, pregnancy, infant nutrition, mental health, and wellness. Come and visit us at stand 61D22 to discover growth opportunities for your target market.

Company type

Manufacturer/Innovator, Licensee

Products and services

Pharmaceutical Products / ATC coding, Finished Dosage Forms, Natural Extracts


North America (USA, Canada), Middle East Region (e.g. UAE), East Asia (e.g. China, Japan, Korea), Europe – EU countries, Europe – non EU (e.g. UK, Russia, ex-CIS countries), South Asia (e.g. India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), South East Asia (e.g. Thailand, Philippines, Singapore)

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U.G.A. Nutraceuticals, U.G.A. Nutraceuticals S.r.l., via A. Varisco, 2, Monza, Italy, 20900

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