UPS HEALTHCARE is a Distributor/Import Export, Contract Service company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

UPS Healthcare delivers unparalleled healthcare logistics expertise to its customers around the world. UPS Healthcare has 17+ million square feet (1.6 million square meters) of cGMP and GDP-compliant healthcare distribution space globally. Services include inventory management, cold chain packaging and shipping, storage and fulfillment of medical devices, and lab and clinical trial logistics. UPS Healthcare’s global infrastructure, its UPS(R) Premier visibility service, its track and trace technology, and its global quality system are well-suited to meet today’s complex logistics demands for the pharmaceutical, medical device, and laboratory diagnostic industries.

Company type

Distributor/Import Export, Contract Service

Products and services

Biopharmaceuticals, Pharmaceutical Packaging, Contract Services – Analytical & Lab Services, Pharmaceutical Machinery & Technology


North America (USA, Canada), Central America (e.g. Mexico), East Asia (e.g. China, Japan, Korea), Europe – EU countries, Europe – non EU (e.g. UK, Russia, ex-CIS countries), South America (e.g. Brazil, Colombia), South East Asia (e.g. Thailand, Philippines, Singapore)

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UPS HEALTHCARE, Avenue Ariane, 5, Brussels, Belgium, 1800

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