Willy A. Bachofen

Willy A. Bachofen is a Contract Service company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

Willy A. Bachofen AG (WAB-GROUP(R)) has years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and a proven and flexible portfolio to support our global customer base, even in consulting them. We are specialised in wet milling and dry mixing technology with its agitator bead mills (DYNO(R)-MILL) and three-dimensional shaker mixers (TURBULA(R), dyna-MIX(R)). Furthermore WAB-GROUP(R) is an innovative and reliable partner for our international customer base from various industries: pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food technology, paints and coatings, as well as agrochemistry.

Company type

Contract Service

Products and services

Laboratory and Analytical Equipment, Pharmaceutical Machinery & Technology


North America (USA, Canada), Africa, Middle East Region (e.g. UAE), Central America (e.g. Mexico), East Asia (e.g. China, Japan, Korea), Europe – EU countries, Europe – non EU (e.g. UK, Russia, ex-CIS countries), South America (e.g. Brazil, Colombia), South Asia (e.g. India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), South East Asia (e.g. Thailand, Philippines, Singapore)


Willy A. Bachofen, Junkermattstr. 11 , Postfach 944, Muttenz 1, Switzerland, CH 4132

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