Yash Packaging

Yash Packaging is a Packaging supplier/manufacturer company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

YASH PACKAGING meeting the needs and demands of clients and customers, ensuring consistent quality and fulfilling their requirements. Yash Packaging was established in 2004 with Corrugated Box manufacturing. After huge success in packaging we started the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals bottles with its accessories and Rigid Blister Films. And now we are approaching for GLOBAL SUPPLY of primary packaging materials supplier from India. We can support you for following products, all products are manufactured are compliance to GMP & US-FDA Type III: PVC (100mic to 600mic) PVC/PVdC & PVC/PE/PVdC 40gsm, 60gsm, 90gsm & 120gsmHDPE & PP bottlesDosing devices Dropper bottles set CT & CR ClosuresMeasuring cups, etc.

Company type

Packaging supplier/manufacturer

Products and services

Pharmaceutical Packaging


Africa, Middle East Region (e.g. UAE), South Asia (e.g. India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka)


Yash Packaging, A-116,Ansa Inds Estate,Saki Vihar Road,, Andheri(E) Mumbai, Mimbai, India,

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