Dadachanji Group of Companies

Dadachanji Group of Companies is a Machinery and Equipment Supplier/Manufacturer, Pharmaceutical company, Manufacturer/Innovator, Packaging supplier/manufacturer, Contract Research Organisation (CRO), Drug delivery device Supplier/Manufacturer company operating…

Indiana Ophthalmics

Indiana Ophthalmics is a Pharmaceutical company company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. Indiana Ophthalmics is pioneer in manufacturing Ophthalmic Preparations (Eye Drops, Eye Suspensions, Eye…

Invex Health.

Invex Health. is a Pharmaceutical company company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. Invex Health is India’s leading marketing, trading, and sourcing company, based in Mumbai.…


ITALFARMACO is a Pharmaceutical company company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. Italfarmaco is a privately-held specialty pharmaceutical company, engaged in the development, manufacturing, marketing and…

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