CDMO Profile

Früh Ver­pack­ung­s­tech­nik

Früh Ver­pack­ung­s­tech­nik AG Contract Manufacturing & Development (CDMO) Profile

We provide Contract Packaging (secondary) in ISO 7 clean rooms. Specialized in sterile barrier packaging and manufacturing of sterile barrier packaging materials (trays and pouches).

From the devel­op­ment of indi­vidu­al pack­aging solu­tions to val­id­a­tion and qual­i­fic­a­tion to plan­ning, pro­duc­tion and deliv­ery, we meet the high require­ments of our cus­tom­ers and the high-qual­ity products that we package.

At our ultra-mod­ern loc­a­tion in Fehraltorf, Switzer­land, we have very power­ful and ground­break­ing infra­struc­ture. The spe­cial­ist know­ledge of our employ­ees, the care­ful selec­tion of mater­i­als and our effi­cient pro­cess man­age­ment ensure pack­aging solu­tions at the highest level and flex­ible and reli­able cus­tom­er ser­vice around the world.

CDMO Services:
Medical Devices Packaging Cartridges; Pre-Filled Syringes (PFS)

Year Founded:

Head Office: , Switzerland

Number of Facilities: 1

Facility locations: Europe

Website: Visit the Früh Ver­pack­ung­s­tech­nik website

Linkedin: Connect on Linkedin

Current Capacity: flexible

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