Oncomed manufacturing a.s

Oncomed manufacturing a.s is a Manufacturer/Innovator, Contract Service company operating in the pharmaceutical industry.

oncomed manufacturing a.s. is a Contract Development and Manufacturing Organisation focused on production of high potent and anticancer (cyto) injectables in clinical and commercial scale including small molecule APIs (end-to-end solution) and more innovative large molecule drugs (Fill & Finish service), like ADCs, HPAPI proteins & mAb and oligonucleotides.

Company type

Manufacturer/Innovator, Contract Service

Products and services

Biopharmaceuticals, Custom Manufacturing, Finished Dosage Forms, Pharmaceutical Packaging, Contract Services – Analytical & Lab Services


North America (USA, Canada), Europe – EU countries

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Oncomed manufacturing a.s, Karasek 2229/1b, Brno, Czech Republic, 67801

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